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Italy - Factors to watch on June 19

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The following factors could affect Italian markets on Wednesday.

Reuters has not verified the newspaper reports, and cannot vouch for their accuracy. New items are marked with (*).

For a complete list of diary events in Italy please click on IT/DIA.


Italy's government is set to adopt a decree aimed at boosting procurement and reuse of critical raw materials, a draft seen by Reuters shows, including simpler procedures for the release of mining concessions.

An ambitious overhaul of the Italian constitution to allow for the direct election of a prime minister won the Senate's approval on Tuesday, the start of what is likely to be an uncertain path to the statute books.

(*) Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (CDP)

CEO Dario Scannapieco and Chairman Giovanni Gorno Tempini are set to be renewed in their positions at the state lender when a new board is elected on Thursday, Il Messaggero daily reported on Wednesday.


Bank of Italy releases April data on foreign investors holdings of Italian government bonds.

The European Commission is due to open a so-called "excessive deficit procedure" against Italy and ten other countries, setting a course for Rome to reduce its wide fiscal gap over the next years.



The Italian utility said on Wednesday it had successfully placed a multi-tranche $2 billion sustainability-liked bond.


Ferrari's first electric car will cost at least 500,000 euros ($535,000), a source familiar with the matter told Reuters, as the luxury automaker prepares to open a plant that will make the model - and could boost group production by up to a third.


Vitol, via its subsidiary Varas, presented a mandatory tender offer on Tuesday ON the 54.52% of Saras's share capital it does not yet own at the price of 1.6 euros per share.


Plans for a digital euro will be a "very good" thing for the currency bloc and its lenders if banks remain central to the flow of money as they are at present, UniCredit Chief Executive Andrea Orcel said on Tuesday.


Giovanni Liverani, The Italian insurer's former head of business for Germany, Austria and Switzerland, is likely to leave the group following this year's reorganisation which left him without a formal role, daily MF reported on Wednesday.


Soccer governing bodies FIFA and UEFA have expressed opposition to an Italian government plan to set up a committee to oversee the budgets of professional clubs, the head of Italy's football association (FIGC) said on Tuesday.


Annual general meeting (0800 GMT).


Italian luxury sneaker maker Golden Goose has postponed its initial public offering on the Milan bourse due to market volatility arising from political uncertainty in Europe, the company said on Tuesday.

Golden Goose was due to make its stock market debut on June 21.


Italy's Economy Ministry said on Tuesday it had addressed European regulators' "last doubts" over Lufthansa's acquisition of a minority stake in the Italian airline, and it was hopeful that Brussels would soon clear the deal.


Milan, Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni is scheduled to participate in an event in Milan to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Il Giornale newspaper (1530 GMT).

Rome, Industry Minister Adolfo Urso participates in Question Time in the Chamber of Deputies (1300 GMT).

Rome, Parliamentary Budget Office (UPB) presents report on budget policy (0900 GMT), with EU Economy Commissioner Paolo Gentiloni, UPB President Lilia Cavallari, Economy Minister Giancarlo Giorgetti.

Milan, Bank of Italy presents report on the Economy of Lombardy region; Milan Director Giorgio Gobbi delivers introductory remarks (0810 GMT); Bank of Italy Vice Governor Luigi Federico Signorini delivers closing address (0930 GMT).

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